Looking for a good multiple protocol proxy!!

Neal Hamilton nealhamilton at fastmail.fm
Fri Jan 30 12:57:46 PST 2004

Matthew Seaman wrote:

>On Fri, Jan 30, 2004 at 02:40:11PM -0600, Neal Hamilton wrote:
>>I am looking for a proxy server  that has the following features.
>>1. multiple protocols    .... http/s,  socks 4/5, ftp, irc, nntp, smtp, 
>>etc...   The ability to add plugins to support more protocols . You know 
>>what i mean,, may not be through protocols but somehow the ability to 
>>support more protocols if needed.
>>2. Authentication .....  Preferably i would like the proxy to be able to 
>>use my Openldap for authentication,, or maybe a radius ....but i must 
>>have authentication as i dont want some to have access at all and others 
>>access to certain protocols only.
>>3. scalable, fast
>>4. Opensrc.. :)
>Ports: security/fwtk
>	I think it does most of what you want... However it is a
>toolkit: some assembly required, batteries not included.  See
>	Cheers,
>	Matthew
Thanks matt for your help. Do you know  what kind of auth. it can use? I 
already have a openldap setup for all my qmail users to auth. to and 
would like to use the same ldap server and maybe database if possible.  
I am trying to centralize all our authentication to ldap.

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