vpn options advice

Matthew Bettinger mbettinger at championelevators.com
Wed Jan 21 12:35:49 PST 2004

On Tue, 20 Jan 2004 17:58:46 -0500
Jeanne <techielists at regionalhelpwanted.com> wrote:

> Anyone have any thoughts or options I could present? A hardware
> router that they could use at home that might work with a bsd vpn
> server on the other end? Unfortunately, installing bsd gateways in
> their homes just isn't an option.

PIX point to point   like a 515 (depending on how many users) on
corp side and an 501 on the users home net.

Much easier, but more cost involved.  Then again, I'd rather support
an pix vpn solution than an bsd kludge.


Matthew Bettinger
System Administrator
Champion Elevators, Inc
Houston, Texas 77061
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