USB sound device questions (multiples!)

Ethan telmnstr at
Tue Jan 20 17:51:03 PST 2004

Hello all,

 I am thinking about trying to use 4 to 6 USB "sound devices" on a single
FreeBSD system.

 Can anyone advise me if I will run into a case where on every reboot they
all get different pcmX devices? Or will they stay static?

 We currently use systems with 6 - 8 PCI cards in them, but this new site
is space limited so I'm thinking USB dongles are the way to go.

 I need to record audio from it for a public streaming audio site

 Any advice is appreciated. The concern is on reboot if the /dev tree is
built differently then the feeds will hit the wrong mountpoints.

 Also, any suggestions on the cheapest USB input device the works?

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