Mozilla: changing IP w/o restarting

Pat Lashley patl+freebsd at
Mon Jan 19 20:25:17 PST 2004

--On Monday, January 19, 2004 23:05:02 -0500 Jesse Sheidlower <jester at> wrote:

> I use Mozilla on my 4.8 laptop. Whenever I switch IP addresses,
> which is frequent, as I use my computer both in the office and
> at home (and on trips, etc.), Mozilla becomes unable to
> resolve any sites it hasn't previously hit. I just get an
> endless, "Resolving host" note in the corner.
> The only way around this is to quit and restart the browser.
> Frankly, this is a pain in the ass, as I usually have six
> or more tabs open at once, each containing something I need,
> and I don't want to re-open everything every time I move the
> computer.
> Is there any way around this? I didn't see anything obvious
> in the Mozilla docs.

Well, one work-around would be to switch from Mozilla to Galeon
and use its session capabilities to automatically re-open all
of the browser windows.  (My primary desktop usually has over
100 tabs distributed across 45 to 50 galeon windows, spread
over 5 of my 20 workspaces.  Without sessions, I think the
occasional crash would send me into a homicidal frenzy...)

You could also try setting up something like djbdns's dnscache
server on the laptop and then set resolv.conf to use
This may not help though - I seem to recall reading that Mozilla
tries to improve DNS performance by doing it itself instead of
trusting the system...  (Actually, I think it was a complaint
about Netscape; but if it does it at all, it's probably in the
shared code.)


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