removing the first 10 lines of a file

Ernst de Haan znerd at
Fri Jan 9 08:20:53 PST 2004

You could do something like this:

tail -n `echo \`wc -l in\` | awk '{print $1 " - 10" }' | bc` in > out

where 'in' is the name of the input file and 'out' the name of the generated 
file... but I'm sure there's probably a nicer and shorter way :-)


On Friday 09 January 2004 16:07, Dru wrote:
> I remember coming across a trick (which I can't find now) which allowed
> you to page all of a file, except for the first 10 lines. I think it used
> a combo of head and tail to achieve this. I can't just use tail as the
> length of the file varies whereas the amount I don't want to see doesn't.
> Anyone know of a quick way to do this?
> Dru
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