/tmp full (newbie)

Lauri Watts lauri at kde.org
Thu Feb 12 13:39:09 PST 2004

On Thursday 12 February 2004 22.05, Jez Hancock wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2004 at 09:44:27PM +0100, gaf wrote:
> > Thank you for answering. I?d hoped not to reinstall but.....
> > Partitioning is no problem, I?ve installed all versions from 4.8 to5.2
> > on my old computer just for training and trying.
> The problem with the current scheme is you have only 4Gb or so for
> everything apart from /home - I don't have KDE / X installed, but I'm
> fairly sure KDE on it's own would eat up 3-4Gb of space without too much
> problem.  If you reinstalled I'd say assign 20Gb to /usr if you're going
> to use KDE.

This is way *way* overestimated.  du -sh on my /usr/local shows 3.6Gb - that's 
with *two* installations of KDE (one in it's own prefix, still in /usr/local 
though), an unpacked set of sources for it, a jdk (hey, they're getting 
pretty big these days), and a fairly full install of GNOME to boot.   Plus 
various other random things.  I would hate to see how much you'd have to 
install to fill up 20 Gb of /usr, especially with a separate /home.    On the 
other hand, I can find a million ways to fill up as much /home as I'm given, 
and I frequently do (fill it up, that is)

With some judicious cleaning up of the cruft in /usr/ports/* (try portsclean, 
part of the portupgrade suited), possibly nuking /usr/obj (although you'll 
want space back for that if you build world again) and some investigation 
into maybe rolling over logs more often, and emptying out /tmp,  there's no 
pressing reason the OP should need to repartiiton and reinstall, especially 
not for the sake of either KDE or GNOME.  

I think for most people the installers auto defaults are not pretty workable, 
and that merging the suggested file systems is probably not advisable until 
you have more experience with the system and know what your pattern of usage 
really is.

Lauri Watts
KDE Documentation: http://i18n.kde.org/doc/
KDE on FreeBSD: http://freebsd.kde.org/
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