Create multiple jails by copying

Alex Deiter tiamat at
Thu Dec 23 07:31:33 PST 2004

Siddhartha Jain wrote:

> I created one jail in FreeBSD 4.10. Since the compile time for make
> world and make distribution is too high, I copied the contents of jail1
> to jail2 this way:
> jailbsd:/jails/jail1# find . | cpio -pdmv /jails/jail2
> jail1 is functional. Now, when I run:
> # mount -t procfs proc /jails/jail2/proc
> (No complaints/errors)
> #jail /jails/jail2 jail2 /bin/sh /etc/rc
> I get an error from sendmail-client, sshd, cron, sendmail cannot
> chdir(/var/spool/clientmqueue/): Permission denied
> Program mode requires special privileges, eg., root or TrustedUser

I get same error on FreeBSD 5.3. The problem was solved change of the 
permission on jail directory (/jails/jail2): 0700 -> 0755.


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