No latin characters :(

Erik Norgaard norgaard at
Tue Dec 21 13:22:02 PST 2004

Mário Gamito wrote:

> How do you do this (set the login class) ???

Edit master.passwd, the fields are as follows (see passwd(5)):

            name      User's login name.
            password  User's encrypted password.
            uid       User's id.
            gid       User's login group id.
            class     User's login class.
            change    Password change time.
            expire    Account expiration time.
            gecos     General information about the user.
            home_dir  User's home directory.
            shell     User's login shell.

- ie. set the 5th field to pt_PT (if you follow my scheme of using iso 
language codes as class names). When you have updated the master 
password file you need to run pwd_mkdb(8), the changes will take effect 
when you login next time.

Note, if you are logging in remotely, then keyboard settings are set by 
the client host.

Cheers, Erik
Ph: +34.666334818                                  web:
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