Problem with chroot, uid's and quota

Ruben de Groot mail25 at
Tue Dec 21 10:47:42 PST 2004

On Tue, Dec 21, 2004 at 06:05:45PM +0100, David E. Meier typed:


> Somehow the gid's can get mapped to names but the uid's can't. Can anyone
> point out what I need to adjust or is required to get uid's working with
> names as well?

In FreeBSD, group names are resolved through /etc/group. Usernames
however resolve through a user database that is derived from 
/etc/master.passwd. The actual database files are /etc/pwd.db and
/etc/spwd.db. Try to experiment which of these 3 files are actually
required by the quota and ls commands to resolve the usernames.

Remember however that putting sensitive information like this inside
the chroot is a security risk. master.passwd and spwd.db contain the
(encrypted, but crackable) passwords of all users.


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