just a couple quick pf/nat questions

Kees Plonsz kees at jeremino.homeunix.net
Mon Dec 13 17:05:38 PST 2004

dave wrote:

> Hi,
>     I use to use ipf under pre-5.3. NOw i have switched to pf for various
> reasons. I have not as of yet deployed it on my router, but i will be
> doing so. In looking it over, i do not believe pf needs nat_enable it does
> all it's nats within the pf.conf file.
> Dave.
Why are there three ways of filtering and natting ip-packets ?
ipfw - This is how my router is working at the moment
ipf  - I am just reading and testing this, looks nice
pf   - looks the same as ipf 

They all have stateful filtering and nat. What should I chose ?

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