portaudit question

Joshua Lokken joshua.lokken at gmail.com
Fri Dec 10 11:54:07 PST 2004

On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 09:19:15 -0500, Thomas S. Crum - AAA Web Solution,
Inc. <tscrum at aaawebsolution.com> wrote:
> Is there something that I am not updating that portaudit would like to see
> done or is this just a generic warning. Either way, please provide
> examples of what I might due to have it stop complaining.


> Type of problem: multiple vulnerabilities in the cvs server code.
> Reference:
> <http://www.FreeBSD.org/ports/portaudit/d2102505-f03d-11d8-81b0-000347a4fa
> 7d.html>
> Note: To disable this check add the uuid to `portaudit_fixed' in
> /usr/local/etc/portaudit.conf
> 0 problem(s) in your installed packages found.

I haven't used portaudit, but it appears from the message that
you can safely follow the instructions, which are to add the uuid
(I assume that means the long id number on the url) to the 
'portaudit-fixed' variable in /usr/local/etc/portaudit.conf  ;)
> # Here's what I did next.
> man portaudit > no help
> pkg_delete cvsup-without-gui-16.1h
> cd /usr/ports/net/cvsup-without-gui
> make install clean
> /usr/local/sbin/portaudit -Fda > and get same output as above.

Which wouldn't help; there does not appear to be a problem with
cvsup your system, so reinstalling that wouldn't effect portaudit.
I suspect you were correct, that it's a 'generic' warning, and can
be worked around.  HTH,

Joshua Lokken
Open Source Advocate

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