mkisofs and large files

Dev Tugnait dev at
Wed Dec 8 02:21:02 PST 2004

Create the iso via mkisofs use burncd or growisofs to burn the dvd.

* RW (list-freebsd-2004 at wrote:
> I've been trying to burn a single large file (a 4.2 GB encrypted gbde 
> filesystem within a file) to a DVD, but mkisofs tells me the file is too 
> large. 
> I looked on Google and found that mkisofs had a filesize  limit of 2 GB, but 
> this was increased to 4 GB, so I dropped the filesize to 4095 MB, but it 
> still failed, so I guess the version in ports still has the 2 GB limits.
> Does the development version of cdrtools in ports have the 4 GB limit? If so, 
> how can  I get sysutils/dvd+rw-tools to use the newer version, is it just a 
> matter of deinstalling them both and  changing the dependence in 
> pkgtools.conf? 
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