mlock setgid mail && mysql

Vonleigh Simmons nospam at
Tue Dec 7 02:16:36 PST 2004

	After updating to 5.3 I'm running into the following two problems:

1. I'm getting the following error in my mail log over and over:
usr/local/libexec/mlock[755]: (64) not setgid mail

	I'm assuming it's an ownership problem, but what of?

2. MySQL won't start at boot time. I read UPDATING and it says to 
include a line in /etc/rc.conf. But even after adding that line:

# grep mysql /etc/rc.conf

	It still won't start up on its own after I reboot. However doing:

# /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql --datadir=/var/db/mysql 

	Works just fine (which I assume is what the startup script should do). 
Any pointers as to why this isn't working as it should?

Vonleigh Simmons

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