Problems with Firefox Package

jason jason at
Thu Aug 12 17:38:57 PDT 2004

Will wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> When firefox updated to 0.93 I was unable to compile it doto a
> pthread_yeild_np error, of which I was'nt able to solve so I decided to
> wait for a package to become available. I saw there was one, how ever it
> was missing some of its own threading libraries which didnt seem to be a
> package depencdecy. It appears to use the linux thread libs, so after
> installing the thread libs it just hangs does'nt say or do anything.
> Does anyone have an idea what would cause a Undefined Reference to
> pthread_yield_np' on compile, or could suggest a good way to debug the
> packaged version of firefox I have to see what causes it to hang? Atm
> I'm using FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE-p9 but because of these threading errors
> on this and other packages am considering reinstalling the 4.xx branch.
> In case it may be of any help below is the exact errors from trying to
> compile the latest firefox port:
> (this was before I installed linux threads)
I had no problem recompiling firefox on my machince, I'm running 
current.  What command did you use?  It sounds like you might have 
version conflicts  due to not cleaning before recompiling.   Try make 
clean  && make reinstall.

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