jails: am I missing something or..

Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC chad at shire.net
Tue Aug 3 13:47:27 PDT 2004

On Jul 25, 2004, at 6:29 AM, Hugo Silva wrote:
> It is unthinkable to be umount'ing EVERY jail if I want to add one.
> I need separate filesystems for jails if I want (I *need* to) user 
> quotas
> on jails
> If I have separate filesystems, I can't create a new jail while the 
> disk
> is being used (ie other jails mount'ed).
> Living with 1 ip? I could do it. Now, this is a major drawback.
> I've been a FreeBSD user for a long time, so I'm hoping there is a
> solution to this matter-- (bottom line: working user quotas INSIDE 
> jails:
> need either a way to have them w/ different partitions and be able to
> create new jails with all other jails running, or need a way to use 
> quotas
> with only a big partition) I find it weird there exists this big
> limitation on the jail system.

try using the mdX memory/file backed file systems for your jails...  
Works well (though I have not tried the user quota -- you do get 
separate filesystems)


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