MIDI (and audio) on freeBSD

Pierluigi Adami pierluigi_adami at telespazio.it
Tue Apr 27 01:18:12 PDT 2004

Jan Christian Meyer ha scritto:

>>After some troubles, and a Kernel recompilation with the option "device
>>pcm", I found in /dev directory lots of devices related to sound. KDE
>>still does not sound at all: it looks for a /dev/dsp device that does
>>not exists; a /dev/dsp0.0 exists instead, but I haven't found the way to
>>instruct KDE to load the right device.
>Even if /dev/dsp does not appear when you list the contents of /dev, under 
>FBSD 5.X it should still magically appear when something tries to access it, 
>if I've understood correctly. That is how my 5.1-machines behave anyway. With 
>this in mind, something is apparently fishy in your sound system - without 
>being wizardly enough to say what is up, I would not bet on it working out 
>even if you reconfigure the device.
Thanks a lot for answering my question. I tried to instruct KDE to look 
for some other devices (audio0.0? dsp0.0, 0.1,0.2? There is a lot...). 
Nothing happened as you have foreseen.
The weird thing is that it seems that GNOME sounds: it starts playing 
some chords, and sounds are associated with some events (clicks, open 
windows etc.) I cannot verify the whole sound system under Gnome yet, 
because FreeBSD did not install any software  for playing music. The 
mixer is up, anyway.

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