being DOSed

Thompson, Jimi JimiT at
Thu Apr 22 12:03:37 PDT 2004

I have found some IPs are opening 10 HTTP connection. Their IPs are
Changing and all IPs are from different ISP network.
What should I do next?

I'd suggest putting a firewall on another server, if you are being
DDOS'd.  Most people don't realize this, but your average old crunch
Pentium I or MMX CPU has a lot more horse power than the average high
end router that has nearly the same name as my vegetable shortening.
Take anything you have and make it into something running a firewall or
proxy which can filter the traffic to your web server.  IMHO if you web
server is already straining under a load from all the inbound traffic,
you might not want to add a firewall to that box since it might not
handle the additional load of inspecting all the packets/network

I would suggest making some changed to your httpd.conf as well.  Since
you're posting to the FreeBSD list, I'm assuming that you're using

While what I'm suggesting won't help with making the actual DDOS'ing
stop but it can help to keep your server from crashing due to the load.
Most DDOS's against a web site occur by having a utility that opens a
connection to your web server and then leave it hanging - waiting for an
additional response from the client connection.  That being the case,
there are quite a few things you can do to change how your web server
responds and processes those requests.

In this situation, your best friends are the TimeOut  & KeepAliveTimeout
directives - turn those puppies down.  You'll cause some legit users to
get timed out but it will also cause the DDOS requests to time out
faster as well.  That said, you'll also probably want to edit some of
the other directives in your httpd.conf as well.  I didn't see a mention
of which version of apache you are running, so I'm going to mention
things I've found useful in the past.  

You can set the MaxClients directive down so that your server will stop
accepting so many incoming sessions.  When you go to set it back up
(after all this is over), be careful not to set it to something over 256
unless you have compiled special options in to your apache installation.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, you haven't done it.  

You can also set the MaxKeepAliveRequests to something low. Setting the
MaxRequestsPerChild to something low will cause the spawned child
processes to be killed off and restarted fairly frequenly.  If you are
seeing anyting involving escalating memory usage, this can be quite
helpful.  You should also probably MaxSpareServers so that any unused
processes are dying on their own.  I've found that limiting the
MinSpareServers to be useful in stopping more children from spawning
when the server is under an undesirable high load.  

Depending on your version, you may also be able to set ThreadsPerChild,
RLimitNPROC directive, RLimitMEM directive, RLimitCPU directive to limit
system resource utilization.  

If you're already being DOS'd, you may also want to consider setting the
port directive to something other than 80 as least for now.



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