Is it worth using both gigabit ether ports?

Andy Holyer andyh at
Wed Apr 21 07:11:58 PDT 2004

I work for a small special-purpose ISP, and right now I'm configuring 
our main Web/Mail/DNS server. It's a Dell Poweredge 750, 2.4Gb with 
1Gig of memory and twp 80 GB drives mirrored using vinum.

When I've prepped it up, it's due to go in our rack at Telecity in 

The box came with an Intel twin Gigabit network card, and I'd like to 
use ng_one2many to load share so that the box uses both ports at once.

There doesn't appear to be much about this on the web. My question: is 
it worth doing? Will a get a better and/or more fault-tolerent 
performance by doing this? Do I have to do anything clever with DNS or 
the router (a Cisco 3660) to get requests evenly distributed, or can I 
rely on sharing outgoing traffic?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
Andy Holyer, Technical stuff
Hedgehog Broadband, 11 Marlborough Place Brighton BN1 1UB
08451 260895 x 241

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