5.2.1 compiling error

Jonathan Arnold jdarnold at buddydog.org
Wed Apr 7 07:01:34 PDT 2004

Kris Kennaway wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 31, 2004 at 09:57:14PM -0300, j.c.f. wrote:
>>below is the compiling error and attached is the kernel config. I've tried 
>>several times. GENERIC compiles without a hitch. any help is appreciated.
>>thank you, karma
>>compile stops at vesa:
>>-warn-common -o vesa.ko vesa.kld
>>1 error
>>*** Error code 2
> That doesn't show the error.  You truncated too much, and it looks
> like you're building with make -j, which obscures the error message.
> Rerun without -j and include more context.

And if you are building with make -j, don't. It isn't officially supported
and I've found on the rare times I've tried to use it, that it creates more
headaches than it solves.

Jonathan Arnold     (mailto:jdarnold at buddydog.org)
Daemon Dancing in the Dark, a FreeBSD weblog:

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