dhclient crunch

Guslan VGGOYKMRZDNL at spammotel.com
Thu Apr 1 13:02:43 PST 2004

I have problem with crunchgen! I use the FreeBSD 4.9 Realease and will
crunch dhclient. I can crunch other progs example sh, ifconfig or mount and
have no problems. But dhclient is a big problem for me.

I send you my crunchfile.conf:

     cat > crunchfile.conf << EOF
srcdirs /usr/src/contrib/isc-dhcp/client/
progs dhclient
   crunchgen -m Makefile crunchfile.conf

I get message:

crunchgen: warning: could not find source directory: crunchfile.conf:
crunchgen: crunchfile.conf: dhclient: warning: could not find any .o files
crunchgen: crunchfile.conf: dhclient: ignoring program because of errors
Run "make -f Makefile" to build crunched binary.
cc -O -pipe  -c crunchfile.c
cc -static -o crunchfile crunchfile.o
strip crunchfile

The crunfile make a dump when I it started.

Can you help me? Can I crunch dhclient or can't?

Thanks for you answer

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