apache startup problem

Jens Rehsack rehsack at liwing.de
Fri Sep 19 04:21:31 PDT 2003

H. Bartel wrote:
> On 09/19/2003 10:17 AM rehsack at liwing.de (Jens Rehsack) wrote:
>>If I were you I'd try gdb apache apache.core to identify the module
>>which dumps. If it's a standard one, you shouldn't probably rebuild
>>it using lower optimization level.
> I read the man pages for gdb but 'gdb apache apache.core' doesn't do anything besides no such file...
> Do have to go to a specific dir to execute gdb? I can't find a file called apache.core as well. Only httpd.core. I have never used it before and am failry new to the unix world.

You should either search the file or start the apache
from within the gdb.


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