Updating SSH, patch failed?

Scott Schappell archon-sender-7e5359 at silvertree.org
Tue Sep 16 23:08:15 PDT 2003


I ran the patch process exactly as listed in the advisory.  I'm currently
running 4.8p3 built from source.

After running the instructions verbatim, sshd shows the following version

OpenSSH_3.5p1 FreeBSD-20030201, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL 0x0090701f

Also the command to restart sshd gives me an error:

arthur# (. /etc/rc.conf && ${sshd_program:-/usr/sbin/sshd} ${sshd_flags})
Bad : modifier in $ (-).

Is my ssh patched? Or should I remake the world?

Thanks for the help!
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