Sendmail is sleepy

David Landgren david at
Thu Sep 4 01:41:25 PDT 2003

Charles Howse wrote:

>>Did you enter your hostname and ip address in 
>>/etc/resolv.conf?  I don't if it 
>>will fix your problem; but is helps when many applications 
>>complain about the 

I think you mean /etc/hosts, something like	larry.domain.tld larry

>>Andrew Gould
> Uh, no I didn't.  Man resolv.conf doesn't say anything about how to do
> that, and it's never been necessary.

Putting the above in /etc/hosts is good insurance, if ever your DNS 
servers (the addresses of which are specified in /etc/resolv.conf as 
it happens) go out to lunch.

You have to consider the trade offs between always knowing the IP 
addresses of remote machines when a packet absolutely, positively has 
to get there when your DNS is down, balanced against the likelihood of 
those machine changing IP addresses (upgrades, usually). Which means 
visiting all your servers and updating their hosts files.


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