Local procmail mailer, bypassing aliases?

Damian Gerow damian at sentex.net
Tue Sep 2 08:30:38 PDT 2003

Thus spake Dan Nelson (dnelson at allantgroup.com) [29/08/03 19:06]:
> Easy enough:
> MAILER(`procmail')

Hmmmmm...  Still can't get it to work:


I've tried upper-casing the MODIFY_MAILER_FLAGS line as well, to no avail.

I also tried using the generic procmail mailer and copying it to
procmailnoalias.m4 (and changing the required lines within), as well as our
custom .m4.  We still seem to be delivering to the alias defined in

> Basically, make sure the the appropriate Mmailer line in sendmail.cf
> doesn't have an 'A' in the F= flags list.

Hum.  From sendmail.cf:

    Mprocmailnoalias,   .... F=lsDFMw5:/|@qPSXfmnz9, ....

    Mprocmail,		.... F=DFMSPhnu9, ....

I don't see an 'A' flag in either of those, yet they're both listening to
aliases.  In fact, I don't see the letter 'A' in either mailers until the
last line ('A=procmail -Y -m $h $f $u').

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