MySQL v3.23 and C API

Steve Blair blairs at
Thu Nov 27 10:46:25 PST 2003


  I'm working on a server running FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE.
I've developed a C server program that works fine. I want to
add code to read from and update fields in a MySQL database
to the original program. When I do I get compilation errors
that I cannot seem to resolve.

   I have a number of packages installed. The ones that seem
related are:

gmake-3.79.1_3      GNU version of 'make' utility
mysql-client-3.23.52 Multithreaded SQL database (client)
mysql-server-3.23.52_1 Multithreaded SQL database (server)

   The errors I get are as follows. I get these if using cc or gcc to
compile the program.

host# cc -o locserv locserv.c
/tmp/ccJdDxg3.o: In function `main':
/tmp/ccJdDxg3.o(.text+0x6ca): undefined reference to `mysql_init'
/tmp/ccJdDxg3.o(.text+0x7bc): undefined reference to `mysql_real_query'
/tmp/ccJdDxg3.o(.text+0x7f3): undefined reference to `mysql_store_result'
/tmp/ccJdDxg3.o(.text+0x80d): undefined reference to `mysql_num_rows'
/tmp/ccJdDxg3.o(.text+0x877): undefined reference to `mysql_fetch_row'

  Can anyone help explain what the problem is and how to correct it?

blairs at

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