Persistent Cups process

Guy Van Sanden n.b at
Wed Nov 26 12:35:37 PST 2003

I'm having trouble with cups...

My printer's ink cartridge got completely empty, and I didn't have a
replacement handy.  So I killed of all print jobs.
Unfortunately, one of the cups processes for the running job seems to be

"...54562  0.0  0.4  2616 1140  ??  D     5:51PM   0:52.48
parallel:/dev/lpt0 198 ..."

I tried kill -9, but nothing helps.
Shutting down cups doesn't do it either, and I don't want to reboot the
box for it (reminds me too much of Windows).

Any ideas how I can get rid of it?

I'm on FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE, Cups 1.1.19 with gimp-print.

Kind regards



Guy Van Sanden  

Registered Linux user #249404 - September 1997

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