Security question

Kevin McKay kevin at
Wed Nov 19 09:22:51 PST 2003

So it will not just grab the latest patched binaries for 5.1? I am not 
sure I understand. Is it just for updating between releases and not for 
keeping the current release up to date?


Lowell Gilbert wrote:

>"Kevin McKay" <kevin at> writes:
>>I have read through the documentation but have not been able to find
>>a definite answer. I am running a pretty core install of 5.1 minimal
>>+ bind9, postfix, apache, ssh, no ports collection. Here is my
>>question. When I run the binary update from sysinstall will that
>>take care of the earlier ssh vulnerability and update apache postfix
>>and bind to the most current version?
>You normally need to run the sysinstall from the version you're
>updating to.  You could configure your system's sysinstall to load in
>the later version, and it should be compatible, but I don't know the
>syntax for that offhand...

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