Jason jason at ec.rr.com
Sun Nov 16 22:42:12 PST 2003

Cordula's Web wrote:

>>Can anyone tell the name of the package that contain
>>the C, something simillar to Borland C++ in windows...
>You can compile C/C++ programs with the 'cc' command, which
>is part of the FreeBSD base system:
>% cc -o hello hello.c
>% ./hello
>Or did you mean something like an IDE for C, which uses 'cc'
>as backend?
You can use the newer version of gedit.  It supports a highlight mode 
for several languages like C, html, java, etc...  It basicly makes gedit 
work like you are in an ide by coloring variables, making key words 
bold, making commits italic and a different color and so on.

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