What caused my box to die?

Robert Storey y2kbug at ms25.hinet.net
Thu May 29 17:04:39 PDT 2003

On 29 May 2003 15:49:00 -0400
Adam <blueeskimo at gmx.net> wrote:

> Well, I'm just about done rebuilding my box after a major crash and
> burn. Now that things are slowing down, I'd like to get some input on
> what might have caused the crash. I'm wondering if I stumbled on some
> obscure bug, or maybe a known bug that hasn't ever been fixed. Let me
> describe the scenario before and after the crash:

The things that you describe sound like hardware-induced problems. I was having similar problems last month, and the solution finally was a new motherboard. Dmesg reported hard disk errors, but installing another hard disk didn't solve the problem. The machine would periodically freeze, files would get trashed, etc. Intermittent problems like this are hard to diagnose - the only thing worse than bad hardware is half-bad hardware. I installed a new motherboard, and the problems went away. Of course, your mileage may vary.

good luck,

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