local.mail, please need some help

Andy Farkas andyf at speednet.com.au
Fri May 16 00:29:54 PDT 2003

On Fri, 16 May 2003, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:

> I've been looking for hours how to change local mailer flags.
> I use sendmail, and I would like that local.mail doesn't try to contact the
> comsat service. The switch for it is "-B" (from the man page).
> Now, I tried everything in my sendmail.cf, and nothing works.
> The last thing I tried was:

First off, cd into /etc/mail and type "make all". This will generate a
$HOSTNAME.mc file. Next, add:

define(`LOCAL_MAILER_ARGS', `mail.local -l -B -b')

To the end of this file, then type "make all" again. This will generate a
$HOSTNAME.cf file. Copy this file to sendmail.cf and type "make restart".


 :{ andyf at speednet.com.au

        Andy Farkas
    System Administrator
   Speednet Communications

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