Restricting users from playing games

Paul Everlund tdv94ped at
Tue May 13 06:36:16 PDT 2003


I would like to restrict the users in a company from playing
games (KDE), but the VP should be able to. :-)

What is the best/easiest way to do this?

I've been thiking of putting the VP in her own group, lets
call it vp, and do a chgrp to vp on the games, with an addi-
tional chmod o-rx.

The only drawback I've come up with (which I've not tested
if this is the case), is that when upgrading KDE it will in-
stall the games in the group wheel again. Can this be pro-
hibited in some way, that is, when upgrading kdegames, it
will install those games in the group vp instead of wheel?

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,

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