remote access through gateway?

Kevin Stevens Kevin_Stevens at
Mon May 5 23:22:15 PDT 2003

On Monday, May 5, 2003, at 22:42 US/Pacific, P. U. Kruppa wrote:

> Hi,
> can I get remote access (via telnet, ssh or http) to a freebsd
> machine behind a gateway?

That's really a question about the gateway, not the freebsd box.  Yes, 
is the short anwer.

> I tried googling around a bit, but couldn't find any good
> starting point.

You  probably need to refine your question.  What do you mean by 
"gateway"?  If you're talking about a firewall, you need to configure 
it to allow/forward the ports for the services you need.  If it's just 
a router no special configuration should be necessary.  In any case 
you'll need to enable the appropriate services on the BSD box.


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