Make -- Illegal instruction - core dumpedI've been trying to

Jack L. Stone jackstone at
Fri Jun 13 15:53:13 PDT 2003

At 06:34 PM 6.13.2003 -0400, Bill Moran wrote:
>Jack L. Stone wrote:
>> I've been trying to update, via sources, an older server (586 CPU) that's
>> running a real sparse 4.5-RELEASE, but each time I use:
>> # make 'target' I get the following error.
>> Illegal instruction - core dumped
>> It's got me stopped in my tracks. Any tips for a fix appreciated....
>Sounds like buggy hardware.  Does it always fail at the same place?  If not,
>it's probably bad RAM or a failing or overheating processor.  Try out some
>tools like memtest86 or cpuburn to try to narrow it down.
>Bill Moran

Thanks for the reply, Bill. The above error message is as far as it gets.

#make 'target' and then the error is returned....

Best regards,
Jack L. Stone,

SageOne Net
jackstone at

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