mounting Win with spaces via samba in fstab

John DeStefano deesto at
Wed Jun 11 07:24:19 PDT 2003

I'm trying to mount a remote Windows directory, which happens to have a space in its name; "mount -a" returns the following error:
fstab: /etc/fstab:14: Inappropriate file type or format

I have tried both of the following formats:
//user at host/Win\ Partition     /mountpoint   smbfs   rw     0   0
"//user at host/Win Partition"   /mountpoint   smbfs   rw     0   0
I pulled this format directly from "man mount_smbfs 8":
"//guest at samba/public        /smb/public     smbfs   rw,noauto 0  0"
I searched the archives, and it seems this question had been asked once before, but no conclusion was reached:

John DeStefano
9 Lindell Ave
Lake Grove, NY 11755
DAY: 516-677-1157
EVE: 631-737-2245

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