using trafd

Andrew Thomson ajthomson at
Wed Jul 16 20:11:01 PDT 2003

Requesting some assistance using trafd.

I have it running on my ethernet and running trafdump/trafshow

>From what I've read the best thing to do is something like this:

59 * * * * trafdump
59 23 * * * trafsave
0 0 * * * traflog > daily_traffic_log

anyway, just shooting for the general theory here..

just been mucking around with it so far on my desktop and am curious
about the following fields too..

 (fxp0) athomson at Jul 17 13:02:36 - Jul 17 13:09:15
 Summary: 80950 data bytes, 100678 all bytes, 11 records
     From           Port         To            Port  Proto    
Data       All

What's the difference between "data bytes" and "all bytes"



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