GCC 3.3.1 + Pentium 4

Jens Rehsack rehsack at liwing.de
Sun Jul 13 16:12:23 PDT 2003

Mo wrote:

> If anyone knows how to make it use Pentium 4 optimizations, please let 
> me know.  By the way, if this is a mailing list, I am not subscribed, so 
> please CC all replies to my e-mail address.

Hi Mo,

at first I consider you ask those questions in the current@ list,
because it's not a generic bsd question but a current optimization
one. Next I recommend to read the archives of current@, because
someone else asked the same and got an answer. And last but not
least I think if you care about such themes, you should subscribe
as well to current@ and maybe question@, too.


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