parallel scanner support

Alin-Adrian Anton aanton at
Sat Jul 5 10:37:14 PDT 2003

Hi folks,

I have a Colorpage Vivid Pro II Film scanner and I saw on the SANE 
project's website that it is fully supported and that it is stable. It 
is reported as OP9636T/12000T, and supported by the plustek backened. It 
is a parallel port scanner.

So I instaleld /usr/ports/graphics/xsane and that's all. Everything 
worked well, but I am a little confused. On the plustek site they say 
that for parallel port scanners there is need for downloading a kernel 
module. As far as I can see, that is a Linux kernel module.

I would like to know if installing xsane from ports (which installs it's 
dependencies) also installs a port of that kernel module. Or is there a 
port for the kernel module? What should I do? Or don't I need to install 
a kernel module (there is no /dev/pt_drv in my /dev).

Of course I tried rebooting hoping it will load something magically, but 
that never works. The configuration file is present.

If anyone knows if it is possible to use parallel port scanners on 
freebsd please help me out a bit, on what do I have to do next. I can't 
find any pt_drv file as the module is labeled.

Sorry for previous mail, it is unbelivable how i pressed the wrong 
button (send, instead of minimize).

Best regards,
Alin Anton.

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