Opinions on ftp-server

Per olof Ljungmark peo at intersonic.se
Thu Jul 3 16:04:53 PDT 2003

Nathan Nieblas wrote:
> The standard ftp server that comes with FreeBSD is more than adequate for
> your needs. It's very stable, very secure and provides ftpchroot
> capabilities. Why aren't you satisfied with it? Can't really ask for
> anything more.

Well, I guess I should be content with the stock ftpd but yes, I do have 
problems with it, perhaps I should try to solve them instead...

1. On a 4.6.2-REL-p12: ftpd dies intermittently, no clues anywhere why.

2. On 4.6.2-REL-p12 and also 4.7-REL-p10: When transfering a larger 
number of files, say over 20 (size unimportant), transfers will "hang" 
for a couple of minutes, then start again doing twenty files more, then 
stop etc.

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