Mutt + Procmail Filters

Bryan Cassidy bsdjunky at
Wed Dec 17 15:16:33 PST 2003

I have just started using Mutt again. I would rather use Mutt
if I can just setup my filters like I have in Sylpheed. I don't
know if this is what Procmail filtering is suppose to do but
this is what I want and I am very confused about setting up
mail filters in Mutt. Have no clue where to even start with
setting up config files. When I first load Mutt (1.5 btw) I
want to see say a group Called FreeBSD-Questions, FreeBSD-Hardware
and FreeBSD-Hackers. When I scroll to FreeBSD-Hackers I want
all the e-mail that is sent to the -hacker mailing list to be
in that. Is this what Procmail does or am I suppose to load
the filters some other way? That is the way I want to do it
but if I can't could someone help with me setting this up. I
would really appreciate it. I've been strugling with Mutt +
Procmail for a couple days now and I am just more confused.

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