Ports + cpan question

Scott I. Remick scott at sremick.net
Tue Dec 9 06:22:21 PST 2003

--- Michael Sig Birkmose <michael at gisp.dk> wrote:
> However lately I have also used Perl CPAN to install some perl modules.
> When I get a list of
> the packages I need to upgrade (portversion -l \<) these packages also
> shows up - why?

I recently went through this, and although no expert, here's what I learned:

Somehow the portupgrade suite can detect stuff installed via CPAN. They
appear prefixed with "bsdpan-". However, because it wasn't installed in the
normal manner, portupgrade can't manage upgrades, so they are all marked as

Each has an equivalent in the official ports tree... prefixed w/ "p5-" and
maybe named a tad different (but close enough that you can figure it out).
If you uninstall the CPAN versions and install the p5- versions, this seems
to make portupgrade happy.

That's all I know. Someone may correct me and/or elaborate. I ran into this
w/ f-prot and eventually sorted everything out so I didn't get tons of
errors everytime I ran portupgrade.

Hope this helps!

Scott I. Remick   --==--   ICQ: 450152 
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