home/end keys in pico

Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. kdk at daleco.biz
Sun Dec 7 12:31:18 PST 2003

doug at safeport.com wrote:

>Can any tell me how to get pico to recognize these keys. So far I have not been
>able to figure out how / pico this is possible using bindkey. My last attempt:
>cat .cshrc
>bindkey "\e[1~" beginning-of-line  # Home
>bindkey "\e[4~" end-of-line        # End
>Every other app works and the defaults seem okay:
>bindkey | tail -3
>right          -> forward-char
>home           -> beginning-of-line
>end            -> end-of-line
>so it seems that pico has other ideas on where its gets its key definitions
>(please God not termcap).
>Thanks for any help.
>Douglas Denault
>doug at safeport.com

I'm guessing I can't be much help here; dunno
much re: terminals.  However, I have noted that
nano recognized some stuff better than pico via
whatever terminal was the PuTTY default.  I dunno
if that's going to help if you're in CLI, or some Xterm,
but it converted me.  Besides, nano is just a more
modern pico anyway....

I've even got "alias pico nano" in my .cshrc..... :-)

Hopefully, someone with more experience/knowledge
re: terminals can get you the real help you need.


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