Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. kdk at
Sat Dec 6 13:43:11 PST 2003

cloper wrote:

> I have a few SUNRay thin clients that I would like to
> use on something other than Solaris. Has anyone
> successfully used these under BSD? Does anyone
> have any ideas what so ever?
> Thanks,
> cloper at

No experience here.  Not much ideas, either,
but the list is a bit slow today, methinks.

A coupla thoughts...

Is the machine architecture listed on the
FBSD homepage?  (

Is there hardware that is not on the FBSD HCL?

With that said, the guyz at NetBSD claim to
be able to run on a toaster, or somesuch.
(That's at

Good luck!

Kevin Kinsey

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