rmsg problem

Charles Howse chowse at charter.net
Tue Dec 2 22:26:03 PST 2003

I've installed /usr/ports/net/rmsg and started the rmsgd on two of my 
I've also set mesg y for each one.

When I do:
echo "here is a message" | rmsg root at curly
it goes through fine

when I go the other way:
echo "right back at ya" | rmsg charles at moe
I get:
rmsg: charles refusing messages

Anyone got any ideas about what's wrong here?
I've verified the daemon is running on moe, and that mesg is set to y.
Both root and charles are logged on at their respective computers.
root is running cli only, while charles is using KDE.


Random Murphy's Law:
Cleanliness is next to impossible.

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