Is there a guide to Upgrading a FreeBSD server remotely

JacobRhoden jrhoden at
Mon Dec 1 18:15:33 PST 2003

On Tue, 2 Dec 2003 01:01 pm, Denis Fortin wrote:
> Has anyone written a quick guide on issues that can arise in this kind
> of situation?  (For instance, one the the issues is that one might end
> up with a bad kernel: have people devised a way for the boot code to
> interact with "reboot -k xxx" to revert to the default kernel after an
> unsucessful boot, or after a specific time?)

I have done this a few times.. make sure your firewall configuration is up to 
date and is safe so you dont endup firewalled out when you reboot, and you 
may wish to put some cron entries to do some things (like reboot) after 10 
minutes of rebooting in case it boots successfullly but you cant get in for 
some reason. I dont know of a speciffic guide..


JacobRhoden --

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