CVSUP/buildworld problems - should I just FTP ?

Richard Shea rshea at
Fri Apr 25 22:38:03 PDT 2003

> > I'm now about to remove /usr/src and /usr/obj and try again [4] but
> > I've just wanted to check something first.
> >
> > If I'm going to remove /usr/src and /usr/obj wouldn't I be better
> > off just FTP'ing the 4.8 release sources straight onto my machine
> > and
> I went from 4.3 to 4.8 without a problem.

just to be sure - did you do this by CVSupping or FTPing in the 4.8 
sources ?

> > doing a buildworld on those ? I've heard the CVSuping a lot of
> > source is quite inefficient and I think I'd be sucking in everything
> > via CVSUP if I rm'd those two directories and then CVSup on 4.5
> > Release wouldn't I ?
> I have never removed the obj or the src before cvsuping. On one
> occasion I have had a small problem, but I -believe- cvsup recognizes
> what files need to be replaced, and which ones do not.

well that was my understanding as well but in those USENET postings 
( second post in and fourth and fifth posts 
in ) some people suggest otherwise and one 
them was Crist Clark who IMHO has quite a good track record I started 
paying attention to the idea.

thanks for your response.

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