Can't mount ad0s2

Brian Astill bastill at
Mon Apr 21 06:32:43 PDT 2003

Slice 2 on ad0 is a DOS extended partition.
I have tried to mount this partition (or to be more accurate the logical 
partition inside that extended partition) using every combination of -t 
xxx and /dev/ad0sn I could think of that might work - no dice. [:-(]  
Yes I HAVE checked that the appropriate /dev/ files exist.
Yes I HAVE used fdisk to verify that the partition exists, is recognised 
and SHOULD be mountable. 
I have even used Partition Magic 7 to confirm the existance of the 
extended partition and the logical partition it encloses.
There is obviously something I HAVEN'T done [:-)]

How do I mount that recalcitrant partition, please?

FWIW, here is PM7's listing.  The only "odd" thing is the EPBR (Extended 
Partition Boot Record?), which fdisk didn't see - and which I don't 
understand [:-)]

Disk Geometry Information for Disk 1:    1027 Cylinders,  255 Heads,  63 
System              PartSect  # Boot BCyl Head Sect  FS    ECyl Head 
Sect    StartSect     NumSects

NO NAME                    0  0  80     0    1    1  06     127  254   
63           63    2,056,257
                          0  1  00   128    0    1  05     257  254   
63    2,056,320    2,088,450
                          0  2  00   258    0    1  A5    1023  254   
63    4,144,770   12,353,985
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
 Actual values are:
       0  2  00    258    0    1  A5   1026  254   63   4144770  12353985
PEACE              2,056,320  0  00   128    1    1  06     257  254   
63    2,056,383    2,088,387


Partition Information for Disk 1:    8,056.0 Megabytes
Volume         PartType    Status    Size MB    PartSect  #   StartSect  
TotalSects   UsedSects   FreeSects

C:NO NAME      FAT16B      Pri,Boot  1,004.0           0  0          
63   2,056,257   2,056,257           0
              Extended    Pri       1,019.8           0  1   2,056,320   
2,088,450   2,088,450           0
              EPBR        Log       1,019.8        None --   2,056,320   
2,088,450   2,088,450           0
E:PEACE        FAT16B      Log       1,019.7   2,056,320  0   
2,056,383   2,088,387   2,088,387           0
              FreeBSD/386 Pri       6,032.2           0  2   4,144,770  
12,353,985  12,353,985           0

Boot Record for drive C:   (Drive: 1, Starting sector: 63, Type: FAT)

1. Jump:                 EB 3C 90
2. OEM Name:             MSDOS5.0
3. Bytes per Sector:     512
4. Sectors per Cluster:  32
5. Reserved Sectors:     1
6. Number of FAT's:      2
7. Root Dir Entries:     512
8. Total Sectors:        0  (0x0)
9. Media Descriptor:     0xF8
10. Sectors per FAT:      251
11. Sectors per Track:    63  (0x3F)
12. Number of Heads:      255  (0xFF)
13. Hidden Sectors:       63  (0x3F)
14. Big Total Sectors:    2056257  (0x1F6041)
15. Drive ID:             0x80
16. Dirty Flag:           0x00
17. Extended boot Sig:    0x29
18. Serial Number:        0x503D939C
19. Volume Name:          NO NAME  


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