net package

taxman taxman at
Fri Apr 18 13:33:43 PDT 2003

On Friday 18 April 2003 04:03 pm, D and D H wrote:
> Hi,
>   i'm dowloading freebsd 4.8 and have downloaded the bin directory.  I
> would like dialup and tcpip functionality, assuming this is in the net
> sub directory of the package directory on the ftp site, what do i need
> in the net directory to get this extra stuff.  do i have to download
> everything in the net directory?  i want the simplest installation
> possible.  thanks

well it sounds like you want the smallest distribution possible, this is 
closer to the most complicated distribution possible :)  Especially if you're 
going to try to put it together piece by piece.
I'm assuming you know of the simpler way of downloading the bootfloppies and 
installing the minimal distribution from that over the net?  Or you could 
look at picobsd
that fits all you need on a floppy.  Last i checked, that hadn't been 
maintained very much lately, but it works.  I'd love to see that a little 
more active, but I'm kinda unqualified to do it.
	The other way is to download the mini-iso and go from there.  All of these 
would be "simpler" than piecing it together, and may suit your needs.  I 
can't really think of exactly where you'd go to find out what is the minimum 
of pieces you'd need.


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