Receiving mail from Postfix server

Toomas Aas toomas.aas at
Wed Apr 16 05:56:16 PDT 2003


> connect to []: connection refused.
> The box in question (joloxbox) is running stock sendmail.  I have found
> docs on how to set up sendmail as a server.  I would like to know where
> to go for help on how to make sendmail "know" that I want it to listen
> for smtp on port 25, and that (the Postfix server)
> is where it will get its mail.  
> sockstat on joloxbox shows sendmail listening on port 25.  I am confused.
> Would someone offer some advice on config/docs?  Thank you all.

Is sendmail on jolobox listening on all interfaces (*:25) or maybe only
on loopback (

If jolobox is FreeBSD, what is the result of "grep sendmail /etc/rc.conf"?

Toomas Aas | toomas.aas at |
* RUNTIME ERROR 6D at 417A:32CF : Incompetent user

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