hosts.allow wildcards for login.conf

Andy Farkas andyf at
Tue Apr 15 20:37:16 PDT 2003

On Mon, 14 Apr 2003, Are-Harald Brenne wrote:

> I want to restrict ftp logins to computers on the 10.10. - network.
> >From the login.access manpage:
>      host.allow       list  List of remote host wildcards from
>   		            which users in the class may access.
> How does this wildcard thing work? I tried 10.10., 10.10 and

Which manpage says that?

/etc/hosts.allow is your friend:

# Provide a small amount of protection for ftpd
ftpd : localhost : allow
#ftpd : : allow
#ftpd : : deny
ftpd : : allow
ftpd : ALL : deny


 :{ andyf at

        Andy Farkas
    System Administrator
   Speednet Communications

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