Quick document / manual question

Matthew Flint Arnett mattarnett at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 14 09:39:08 PDT 2003

I apologize if this is a simple question, but I wanted to make sure that I was not infringing on any legal issues before I proceeded. I am putting together an Open System Support package, in which I would like to include manuals, documents, technical notes, and articles. While I will provide the technical notes and articles, I would like to know if I may include manuals and/or documents found on your site? Is there a specific subset of information that I need to include in order to be in compliance with any regulations that you may have.

This information will be available free for download (site to be determined), and a small fee will be charged for me to ship a CD. I appreciate in advance any assistance that you afford.

Thank you,
Matt Arnett
matt at arnettsolutions.com

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